泰國ELP計畫來台交流6位同學到台灣科技大學參加創業訓練營 🚀

🚀In November, which is full of international activities, 6 students from Thai-ELP program came to Taiwan Tech to participate in an entrepreneurship bootcamp.🌐

During the two-week bootcamp, BIC of Taiwan Tech arranged a vibrant set of entrepreneurship-related courses (eg. Introduction of Taiwan Startup Environment, Entrepreneurship Resource Sharing of Taiwan Tech, Market Validation, etc), experience sharing with BIC-stationed startups, workshops, and visits. 📚📈🖋️💭

The best thing is that the students also participated in the 2nd GTEP Demo Day presentation and showed their entrepreneurial ideas to the audience! We're honored to see their outstanding performance and also happy to see that all the startup teams can across the border, have further communication and interaction. We hope that this bootcamp can bring more inspiration and motivation to the students, and also give them unforgettable memories of Taiwan!💯✨

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台科大外籍人才創新創業培訓計畫The 2nd GTEP Demo Day

The 2nd GTEP Demo Day ended successfully last week! We're excited to see 7 teams standing out on the stage and proud of them. We have 1 Excellent Award, 1 Honorable Mention Award, and 2 Triple Innovation Awards. Congratulations on all the teams' wonderful performances and contributions! Moreover, we're also pleased to have 6 students from the Thai-ELP program to be involved and make this event even more glorious! 🎊👏
✨Triple Innovation Awards: PILLOW & Geotechnical Intelligence Innovative Group
✨Honorable Mention Award: SmartProof
✨Excellent Award: PT Daun Pintar Raya

Especially thanks to the support from the mentors, judges, international partners from Thailand (ELP) and Indonesia (ITS), and last but not the least — the sponsors: TUL Corporation, ACON-Holding Inc., and Taiwan Business Incubator Association to make this event more meaningful. With their encouragement, the teams can continue to develop their business idea in Taiwan. Hope all the teams can take benefit from this event. Let us look forward to having more talents join the 3rd GTEP program next year!  🤜🤛

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臺科大與清邁大學科學園區簽署MOU 🤝率團隊赴泰進行青創培訓商拓合作🌍

臺科大與清邁大學科學園區簽署MOU 率團隊赴泰進行青創培訓商拓合作🌍


為台灣新創品牌開拓泰國市場並提供穩定的合作管道外,也在北部科學園區(NSP) 與姐妹校清邁大學科學園區(STeP)合作舉辦NTUST-STeP Pitch Day,並拜訪泰國北部科學園區、清邁大學科學園區、泰國清邁商業工會(Chamber of Commerce in Chiang Mai)以及下東北科學園區(LNESP),與當地廠商進行深入交流,展現臺灣新創實力💪

臺科大創新育成中心主任李安叡 (右2)與清邁大學科學園區由局長Director Dr. Pitiwat Wattanachai(左2)簽屬合作意向書
