Facing the reform of global supply chainsand the rise of emerging markets, Taiwan has to relocate its character in thedeveloping region. By the implement of the New Southbound Policy, it isexpected to extend essential communications between colleges and universitiesin Taiwan, the ASEAN and South Asian countries. The interactions will bedeepened on both sides while creating a win-win talent cultivation and regionaleconomic development for education and economy.
This year NTUST is entrusted by Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education once again to implement “the 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp. Innovative talents in colleges and universities from new southbound countries are welcome to Taiwan to interchange knowledge of innovation, entrepreneurship as well as technical studies. A series of solid training courses are designed to expand the international vision and participation in global issues while inspiring the transnational innovative ideas for the youth from universities and colleges, which contribute to the connections of innovative talents in the ASEAN, South Asian countries, and America to apply learned skills on entrepreneurship.