Changethe society and promote the life quality by innovation. Motivate the futureindustrial development by action.
Conducting Way
Changethe society and promote the life quality by innovation. Motivate the futureindustrial development by action.
July 22(Mon.)
The name and the proposed subject for each team shouldbe given while the pitch order will be arranged and released by the organizeron the same day. The attendee should bring laptop by self. It is needed whilemaking presentation slides on Demo & Pitch Day.
July 26(Fri.)
Regulation orientation would be starting on July19thmorning. The presentationslides of the innovative entrepreneurship for each team have to be completedduring the bootcamp and submitted the PowerPoint before 20:00.Presenters are responsible for your presentation functionalities, including theentire data file, the compatibility of data with the venue projection system,and the USB flash drive. It is not allowed to change the file after submitting.
July 27 (Sat.)
In the beginning of the Demo & Pitch Day, thereare available time for each team to check the presented files to make sure thatit could be displayed correctly. Once begins, presentation is asked to finishwithin 8 minutes whileanother10minutes are left for committees and Q&A. Inorder to save time, please note that computer and pointer will be well preparedby the executive. The operating system used by the executive is Windows.Macintosh computer is not provided.
Instruction of PowerPoint Presenter
Changethe society and promote the life quality by innovation. Motivate the futureindustrial development by action.
lease use standard font and the Windows Operating Systemonly.
Screen resolution of the PC at the meeting room is set to XGA(1024×768). Please set your presentation file at the same resolution.
If your presentation contains linked audio or movie files,please save the files in the same folder.
Please note that all movie data should be playable by WindowMedia Player on Windows7 without any extension.
- After you create the presentation file, please checkthe file with an antivirus software.
★ Distinguished Honor Award (Quota: 1) ★ The Excellence Award (Quota: Several) |
The Distinguished Honor Award winner and the Excellence Award winners will have the following rewards.
The Distinguished Honor Award winner will have the follow-up counseling service for free:
Allevaluation will be decided by the judges’ meeting. If it is necessary,positions might remain unfilled.
- Thosewho do not follow the regulations of the competition will be disqualified.