【活動轉知】鞋技設計。創業加速器 2019國際海選計劃 (Design 2 Business Startup Bootcamp)開始徵件囉!


(Design 2 Business Startup Bootcamp)





Do you want to turn design concepts into business models? Do you find resources hard to come by when starting your own business? As long as your concept of entrepreneurship is related to the fashion industry, whether it is a service model or a product design, Taiwan Fashion Accelerator provides resources for fashion entrepreneurship to bring you into contact with the industrial supply chain, keep you in touch with the user market, and help you obtain orders, accelerating your dream of starting a business.


■活動網址(Contest website):http://2019tfsa.bestmotion.com/

■線上報名表單(Online Register):https://goo.gl/forms/XvMHFuQfE8JfiKXA3

■申請期限(Deadline): 4/19(Fri.) 23:59(GMT+8)

■聯絡窗口(Contact Person):

     詹小姐(Winnie Zhan)

電 話(Tel):+886-4-2359-0112 ext 329

傳    真(Fax):+886-4-2350-4440

