

📍報名期間:112/3/20(一)-4/19(三) 17:00截止

🔥最高八萬元的獎金,還有豐沛的輔導資源,有意透過臺科育成推薦送件的團隊們,看過來 !👀

📍 競賽主題:


推薦條件: 創業團隊中須有臺科大之學生或老師

聯絡窗口: microgarage@mail.ntust.edu.tw

🔹育成企業類(至多推薦10隊) :


聯絡窗口: jerry0211@mail.ntust.edu.tw


推薦條件: 需為臺科大學生或曾參加本校GTEP選拔輔導之團隊

聯絡窗口: meliatsai@mail.ntust.edu.tw


⭐第18屆戰國策全國創新創業競賽官網Website(內有競賽辦法): https://warringcontest.ssey.com.tw/

⭐第18屆戰國策全國創新創業競賽FB: https://www.facebook.com/yunlin2023


🏃‍♂The 18th Strategies of Warring States Period Innovative and Entrepreneurial Competition has already begun in Yunlin! ✈

📍The registration period is from 3/20 (Mon) to 4/19 (Wed), with a deadline of 17:00.

🔥Participants have the opportunity to win a maximum of 80,000 NTD in prize money, as well as receive ample mentoring resources.

Teams who would like to be recommended by NTUST Business Incubation Center 👇

🔸Competition themes🔸

🔹Youth Student Category (up to 20 teams recommended): Creative group or Entrepreneurship group

✅Recommendation conditions: The entrepreneurial team must have at least one student or teacher from NTUST

📩Contact: microgarage@mail.ntust.edu.tw

🔹Incubated Enterprises Category (up to 10 teams recommended):

✅Recommendation conditions: The enterprise must be currently or previously incubated by NTUST Business Incubation Center

📩Contact: jerry0211@mail.ntust.edu.tw

🔹International Student Category (up to 10 teams recommended):

✅Recommendation conditions: One of team member must be NTUST students or have been join GTEP selection of NTUST

📩Contact: meliatsai@mail.ntust.edu.tw

If you require our recommendation, please submit the recommendation form and project proposal by April 15 to the contact person above (First come, first served) 👊

The official website (with competition rules): https://warringcontest.ssey.com.tw/

The Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/yunlin2023


