The 2nd Global Talent Entrepreneurship Program has been extended to May 31th ! The 2nd GTEP計畫延長報名至5/31!

🔥The 2nd GTEP has been extended to May 31th! 第二屆外籍人才創新創業計畫延長報名至5/31!👀 👉The 2nd Global Talent Entrepreneurship Program (GTEP) targets foreign students in Taiwan, providing entrepreneurial training, cultivating talented foreign entrepreneurial teams, and making Taiwan’s entrepreneurial environment more complete and internationalized. A 5 months entrepreneurship program with professional training, all university students are welcome. The winning teams will also have the opportunity to receive entrepreneurial funds sponsored by enterprises! Seize the chance and take the first step towards entrepreneurship with us!👈 🌟courses + startup base visit + demo day 🌟1-on-1 consulting & counseling from market experts 🌟Access to various external entrepreneurial resources 🌟Free usage of co-working space New application deadline: May 31th, 2023 Regulation and introduction: 為提供在台外籍生培養創新創業知能及優質的創業培訓環境,國立臺灣科技大學今年接續推出「第二屆外籍人才創新創業培訓計畫 GTEP」,本計畫開放全國大專院校外籍生及本國學生參加,歡迎對創業有興趣、已創業或準備創業的學生把握機會!獲獎團隊還有機會獲得企業贊助的創業獎金!和我們一起攜手邁向創業的第一步!為讓更多有興趣的外籍人才參與本計畫,報名期限特延長至112年5月31日,計畫辦法與報名方式詳見: