台科大外籍創新創業人才培訓計畫The 1nd GTEP Demo Day得獎名單公告
The 1st GTEP Demo Day ended successfully yesterday! We are so happy to see 6 teams standing out on the stage and proud of them. We have 1 Honorable Mention Award and 2 Excellent Awards, and…most specially, because teams' performance was deemed by the judges and the public, the committee had decided to add one more Special Award to the teams! Congratulation on all the teams' wonderful presentation and contribution!
✨Special Award: Namesake
✨Honorable Mention Award: Eatzi
✨Excellent Award: Myogai
✨Excellent Award: AFA
Specially thanks to the support from the mentors, judges and sponsors: Co-Action Corporation, TUL Corporation and ACON-Holding Inc. to make this event more meaningful.
Hope all the teams can take benefit from this event. Let us look forward to the GTEP program next year! 🤜🤛
✨Special Award: Namesake
✨Honorable Mention Award: Eatzi
✨Excellent Award: Myogai
✨Excellent Award: AFA