【中心媒體報導】台科大舉辦新南向創業營隊 學生跨國組隊爭取創業輔導和空間!

新南向生在台創業 台科大辦暑期營隊培訓

2019-07-23 14:46聯合報 記者潘乃欣╱即時報導


為吸引外國學生來台創業,台科大辦新南向暑期基地交流計畫「第二屆超越世代新創暑期營隊Be Young!Beyond!Startup Bootcamp」,邀請新南向國家大專院校學生到台科大和台灣學生一起上課,透過為期一周的密集訓練,擴展學生國際視野,促進與新南向國家新創團隊連結,同時吸引更多外籍人才在台開創事業。




就讀印度蘇里尼大學(Shoolini University)生物科技學系的Vanshika,特地來到台科大參加創業課程。Vanshika表示,她開發出一款成本低且對人體無害的殺菌劑,研發產品本身不難,最難的是要如何把產品行銷出去,因此希望來台灣學習行銷策略、市場分析等相關課程,對創業會很有幫助。



台科大辦新南向營隊 外籍生組隊拚創業補助

蘋果即時 出版時間:2019/07/25 07:00


看準新南向國家人才潛力,教育部青年發展署與台科大續辦新南向暑期基地交流計畫,日前舉辦「第二屆超越世代新創暑期營隊Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp」吸引泰國、菲律賓等新南向國家約200位學生報名,最後由60人雀屏中選,新南向國家學生將可到台科大上課,促進台生與新南向國家連結,也期望外籍生能將台灣做為開創事業的第一站。



印度蘇里尼大學(Shoolini University)生物科技學系學生Vanshika則表示,日前開發出一款低成本且對人體無害的殺菌劑,研發產品本身不難,但希望來台學習行銷、市場分析等策略,成為日後創業的助力。


台科大新南向創業營隊 跨國組隊爭取創業輔導


旺報 簡立欣

台科大舉辦新南向暑期創業營隊,吸引來自印尼、菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國、台灣等國家共200名學生報名,最終錄取60名學員參與一系列創業課程,學員將組成跨國團隊簡報競賽(Demo & Pitch),獲勝隊伍將獲得台科大育成中心後續的創業輔導,並免費半年進駐台科大新創培育基地。

為吸引外國學生來台創業,教育部青年發展署委託台科大續辦理新南向暑期基地交流計畫,舉辦「第二屆超越世代新創暑期營隊Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp」,邀請新南向國家大專院校學生到台科大和台灣學生一起上課,為期一周的密集訓練擴展學生國際視野,促進與新南向國家新創團隊連結,同時吸引更多外籍人才在台開創事業。




(旺報 )


台科大暑期營隊 新南向學生學創業

最新更新:2019/07/23 12:06


台灣科技大學舉辦新創暑期營隊,近日共有60名新南向國家學生和台灣學生在台科大進行一週密集訓練,希望促進與新南向國家新創團隊連結,吸引更多外籍人才在台創業。(台科大提供)中央社記者許秩維傳真 108年7月23日






就讀印度蘇里尼大學(Shoolini University)生物科技系的Vanshika表示,自己開發出一款成本低且對人體無害的殺菌劑,研發產品本身不難,最難的是要把產品行銷出去,因此這次來台灣學習行銷策略、市場分析等課程,相信對創業很有幫助。(編輯:管中維)1080723


第二屆新南向青創基地 將創業種子從底扎根

林仁鈞  2019-08-06
The 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp 第二屆新南向青創基地暑期交流營隊

青年發展署甫於7月21~28日,委由國立臺灣科技大學辦理「The 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp 第二屆新南向青創基地暑期交流營隊」,為期七天的Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp共有60位來自不同國家的學生來參與,開放由參訓學員提出創意構想題目,並於開訓第一天上台簡報,透過台上分享、台下瞭解、面談後組成15組創意團隊,將創意轉變創業基底,開始進行培訓。

2018年Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp的獲勝隊伍是台科大印尼籍的學生,獲勝隊伍除獲得台科大育成中心後續的創業輔導,免費半年進駐台科大新創培育基地,同時也在該中心的協助下,前往美國矽谷展開為期2週的創業學習之旅,並在台科大矽谷校友協助媒合當地合作對象及天使投資人,成功開展創業契機。

2019年度的獲勝隊伍是「LOFI Language Leaning」,團隊成員來自美國、越南、菲律賓與台灣的同學,團隊成員以活潑生動的方式表達在外語學習的歷程,因為環境而有挫折,但藉由在嘻哈音樂的世界裡,可以大膽且有趣地分享語言,加深語言學習的動力。

「The 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp 第二屆新南向青創基地暑期交流營隊」是為期一週的活動,由不同的國家學生組成,7天能給予學生什麼幫助呢?在交流營內學習的東西是豐富的,如創業的起始需要了解市場規模、競爭對手、產品如何商品化、更重要的是了解自身產品的定位及未來可能的發展…等。


Multinational team win entrepreneurial pitch competition

2019/07/27 21:57:30










NTUST President Liao Ching-jong (廖慶榮, left), Miles Iton (second left), Deborah Argayosa (center), Nguyen Khanh Vy (second right), and Jasmine Liao (right) / Photo courtesy of The 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp

Taipei, July 27 (CNA) Four students from the United States, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines won the top prize at a student entrepreneurial pitch competition for tertiary students hosted by National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) on Saturday in the country's capital.

The competition was part of "The 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp," hosted by NTUST July 21-28, requiring student teams to make an entrepreneurial pitch in front of a jury, which chooses the best team in terms of innovation, creativity, facilitation and business plan.

On this occasion teams were asked to make a pitch on the subject of changing society in order to promote quality of life through innovation and motivating future industrial development through action, according to the event's website.

The competition involved an eight minute pitch followed by an 11 minute Q&A session. There were a total of 15 teams comprising 59 students from universities in New Southbound Policy (NSP) target countries, foreign students in Taiwan and Taiwanese students.

Initiated by President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) in 2016, the NSP aims to strengthen Taiwan's ties with the 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, along with Australia, New Zealand, India and other South Asian nations.

The four students from Team 8 who won the Distinguished Honor Award for a pitch titled "LOFI Language Leaning" were Jasmine Liao from Taiwan's Feng Chia University, Nguyen Khanh Vy from the University of Economics in Vietnam, Deborah Argayosa from the University of the Philippines Diliman and Miles Iton from the U.S, but currently studying at Chang Gung University in Tainan.


Deborah Argayosa (left), Miles Iton (second left), Nguyen Khanh Vy (second right), and Jasmine Liao (right)

Their pitch showed how hip hop could be integrated into language learning to encourage more people to learn English, Iton said.

"LOFI English learning is all about bringing the joy and experience of hip hop to the education classroom. We teach English using a hip hop curriculum, which helps students build speaking confidence and helps them find their flow," Iton said.

The three groups that won the excellence awards were Team 4 for their pitch "Bravo" on helping international travelers look for Halal food in Taiwan, Team 3 for their pitch "Fungus Fighter" on fungus control, and Team 6's "Foodie" for delivering provincial cuisine to migrant workers or communities living or working in big cities in India.

"The 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp," also included workshops and seminars where entrepreneurs and industry leaders shared their experience with students, in addition to mentoring sessions to help the students develop their pitch.

Tony Yu (余東洺), a mentor in the bootcamp and a partner at venture capitalist company Mesh Ventures, said one of the challenges faced by the students from different nationalities was a language barrier because not everyone was a native speaker of English, which was the program's language of instruction.

Despite the language barrier, Yu still commended the students for their work, especially Taiwanese students who were relatively quiet but excelled in terms of quality of work and time keeping.

Although they are shy, Taiwanese students are very good at delivering whatever task they get assigned, he said. "They tend to deliver in terms of quality and schedule, even though they don't speak much, but they do the work."

He mentored a total of three four-student groups made up of 12 students with six from Taiwan, three from Thailand, two from Indonesia, and one from India, Yu said.

Chang Chia-yu (張䕒育), head of the Planning and Career Consultant Division under the Ministry of Education's Youth Development Administration, said the program is part of the ministry's initiative to promote talent and exchanges between Taiwan and NSP target countries.

"We hope to use these programs to deepen the ties and exchanges between young Taiwanese and youth in NSP target countries," she said. "We hope the networks and exchanges built up from these events can further develop into resources to compliment things such as business opportunities."

Chiu Huang-jen (邱煌仁), dean of NTUST's Office of Industry-Academia Collaboration, said a total of 59 students from 10 countries took part in the program with one from the U.S., one from Honduras, four from India, 11 from Indonesia, two from Malaysia, one from Paraguay, five from Philippines, 25 from Taiwan, eight from Thailand, and one from Vietnam. 

Photo courtesy of The 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp

(By William Yen)

新聞轉貼自 : 
國立臺灣科技大學 https://www.ntust.edu.tw/files/14-1126-74934,r167-1.php?Lang=zh-tw
DIGITIMES https://www.digitimes.com.tw/tech/dt/n/shwnws.asp?id=0000565399_ZVE43FM58ZGM4MLA32VH4
中央社 http://m.focustaiwan.tw/news/aedu/201907270013.aspx




