【活動通知】(Fully Booked)Workshop: From Idea to Business Startup- All sessions conducted in English, welcome to apply! 台科大英語創意實踐營,歡迎在台外籍生踴躍報名!
Workshop: From Idea to Business Startup- All sessions conducted in English 台科大英語創意實踐營 Full of ideas but don’t know how to express? How to turn your idea for a successful new business into a reality. “Workshop: From Idea to Business Startup- All sessions conducted in English” will take place from November 13 to November 14, 2021. In this workshop, you can learn how to have a highly effective business communication/presentation, with the perspective of an innovative proposal. Welcome the colleges or universities foreign students in Taiwan (Bachelor, Master, PhD) who are innovative and like brainstorming to apply. 📌 Designed for : All foreign students in Taiwan who wish to become entrepreneurs 📌 Date : November 13-14 📌 Venue : Glass House (Da Yong Gong Fang) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 1F, International Building 📌 On-line Application : https://pse.is/3mqcaw 📌 Contact Information : Vivi Chen (Business Incubation Center, NTUST) vivichen@mail.ntust.edu.tw ※This workshop gives priority to the foreign students in Taiwan. A limited quota will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. The organizer reserves the right to review qualifications, amend, suspend, and terminate the event at any time.※ ———————————————————————— 為激勵在台外籍生創意實踐,從中培養創新創業知能,本校將於11/13-14舉辦【Workshop: From Idea to Business Startup- All sessions conducted in English】實踐營。藉由青年創業團隊的分享,搭配講師帶領學員一步一步從創意發想,再利用簡報加上有效的口語表達將創意具體化,學習如何將創意實踐並說服他人,達到有效溝通。歡迎有滿滿創意、想要學習簡報表達或是對創新創業有興趣的在台外籍生們踴躍報名參加!! 📌參加對象 : 在台大專院校外籍生(不限國籍)(本活動將視報名情況開放本國籍學生候補) 📌活動時間 : 2021.11.13-11.14 📌報名期限 : 即日起至10/25(一) 📌線上報名表 : https://pse.is/3mqcaw *主辦單位保有修改、變更或暫停活動之權利。