🔥報名倒數兩周🔥 4/19前只要繳交團隊成員基本資料即可 ! 百萬創業基金等你來挑戰 ! 傑出校友手把手 l 創業育成陪你走 由本校傑出校友聯誼會發起,選拔本校優秀技術團隊, 並藉由創新育成中心的陪伴與輔導,協助團隊成功創業 優勝者最高可獲得100萬元的創業基金 你還在等什麼呢 選拔 3 大重點: ❶ 選拔報名超簡單4/19(五)只要先繳報名表+摘要就好囉! ❷ 傑出校友當導師與上市櫃企業學長一同討論創業構想,通過初審至少有一位傑出校友擔任手把手的導師 ❸ 創業基金獎百萬決審有機會得到傑出校友提供最高一百萬元的創業基金 選拔重要時程 4/19(五) | 繳交報名表 https://psee.io/5jzult 5/10(五)| 繳交創業構想書 https://pse.is/5jpr4c 5/21(二)| 初選結果公告日 【報名辦法附件】2024第三屆選拔辦法下載 : https://pse.is/5k25yp 更多競賽一手消息 : https://psee.io/5kcqje 競賽hightlight影片: https://tw.psee.ly/5kcqmk _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 💥The 3rd Taiwan Tech Young Entrepreneurs' Rising Star Competition 2024🌟 Leading by Taiwan Tech distinguished alumni, supplemented by Taiwan Tech’s sound entrepreneurial guidance mechanism. 👑Startup funding : NT$1million 💪One-on-one, in-depth counseling : Team will be mentored by members of Taiwan Tech Distinguished Alumni Association. 📍 Member qualifications: A minimum of 1/2 of the team members shall be from Taiwan Tech, and students from Taiwan Tech shall serve as team representatives. 🎯Schedule 🔹Registration deadline: April 19, 2024 👉 https://psee.io/5jzult 🔹Deadline for submission of the business plan: May 10,2024 👉https://pse.is/5jpr4c 🔹First round result announcement: May 21, 2023 🔗Competition details : https://pse.is/5k25zg 👀Competition hightlight video: https://tw.psee.ly/5kcqmk