「外籍人才創新創業培訓計畫Demo Day」將於11月16日亮相,將有來自10個國家的6支隊伍進行成果發表,這是一個接觸優秀的在台外國人才、了解他們的創業理念,以及認識創業圈中合作夥伴的絕佳機會。 ✨活動亮點介紹✨ 團隊未來合作夥伴及團員募集,對於新創有興趣的同學們,歡迎現場與團隊交流! 贊助企業介紹時間,對於想要了解對外籍人才友善企業或相關職缺的你,別錯過這個好機會! 現場設有團隊展位,歡迎大家隔壁同學朋友揪起來,參觀展位集點即可兌換好禮哦!🎁🎁🎁 ✨活動資訊快速瀏覽✨ 日期:2022/11/16(三) 時間:12:30~16:00 地點:國際大樓1樓A區 報名連結:https://pse.is/4kzcbe —————————————————– On the occasion of the Demo Day of the Global Talent Entrepreneurship Program (GTEP), the Business Incubation Center of NTUST requests the pleasure of your attendance to cheer them up. There will be 6 teams whose members from 10 countries participate in this event. It’s a great opportunity to know the excellent foreign talent, their entrepreneurship ideas, and the good community partners in the entrepreneurial circle. ✨Event Highlights✨ 1. The teams are in need of recruiting future partners and members. Students who are interested in startups are welcomed to have a talk with them on site. 2. There is sponsor companies introduction time. For those who want to know more about foreign talent-friendly companies or related job opportunities, don't miss the time! 3. There are team booths on the site. You are highly welcome to call your friends and classmates and visit the booth together, collect stamps to exchange for gifts! 🎁🎁🎁 ✨Quick View for Event Information✨ Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 Time: 12:30~16:00 Venue: Area A, IF, International Building, NTUST Registration: https://pse.is/4kzcbe Contact Person: Jessie O u (jessie.ou@mail.ntust.edu.tw)