全台創業戰士勇士們,第18屆戰國策全國創新創業競賽,已經在雲林開跑! 報名期間:112/3/20(一)-4/19(三) 17:00截止 最高八萬元的獎金,還有豐沛的輔導資源,有意透過臺科育成推薦送件的團隊們,看過來 ! 競賽主題: 青年學生類(至多推薦20隊):創意組、創業組 推薦條件: 創業團隊中須有臺科大之學生或老師 聯絡窗口: microgarage@mail.ntust.edu.tw 育成企業類(至多推薦10隊) : 推薦條件:需為臺科育成中心輔導中或曾經輔導之企業 聯絡窗口: jerry0211@mail.ntust.edu.tw 國際學生類(至多推薦10隊) 推薦條件: 需為臺科大學生或曾參加本校GTEP選拔輔導之團隊 聯絡窗口: meliatsai@mail.ntust.edu.tw 如需本中心推薦者,請於4/15前將推薦表及預計投遞計畫書送至本中心各窗口,額滿為限,歡迎全台戰士勇士們手刀來報名參加! 第18屆戰國策全國創新創業競賽官網Website(內有競賽辦法): https://warringcontest.ssey.com.tw/ 第18屆戰國策全國創新創業競賽FB: https://www.facebook.com/yunlin2023 ——————————————————— The 18th Strategies of Warring States Period Innovative and Entrepreneurial Competition has already begun in Yunlin! The registration period is from 3/20 (Mon) to 4/19 (Wed), with a deadline of 17:00. Participants have the opportunity to win a maximum of 80,000 NTD in prize money, as well as receive ample mentoring resources. Teams who would like to be recommended by NTUST Business Incubation Center Competition themes Youth Student Category (up to 20 teams recommended): Creative group or Entrepreneurship group Recommendation conditions: The entrepreneurial team must have at least one student or teacher from NTUST Contact: microgarage@mail.ntust.edu.tw Incubated Enterprises Category (up to 10 teams recommended): Recommendation conditions: The enterprise must be currently or previously incubated by NTUST Business Incubation Center Contact: jerry0211@mail.ntust.edu.tw International Student Category (up to 10 teams recommended): Recommendation conditions: One of team member must be NTUST students or have been join GTEP selection of NTUST Contact: meliatsai@mail.ntust.edu.tw If you require our recommendation, please submit the recommendation form and project proposal by April 15 to the contact person above (First come, first served) The official website (with competition rules): https://warringcontest.ssey.com.tw/ The Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/yunlin2023